Sustainable Weight Loss

If it’s healthy and you enjoy it, then you can sustain it

Balance MD Program


Testimonial from Dr. Susan Crockett MD

1. What was your problem before you worked with Dr. Reed Miloy?
“Misalignment. My spiritual self was not aligned with my physical self. I think I told him in one of our first sessions that my body did not reflect my mind. And he told me that the body always reflects the mind. lol. My mind just was not aligned.”

2. What results did you get from his coaching?
“I became much more aware and mindful.
I have more peace and joy in my life.
I lost weight!
My skin and hair and gut biome are healthier.
My relationships improved.
My stress levels went way down. In fact, I made it through my divorce hearing with an attitude of compassion, grace, and light.
I’ve successfully converted to “mostly vegan” and integrated it wholly into my lifestyle.
I’ve greatly increased my self-integrity. Still working on that.
I changed the way I thought of myself from a bunch of different hats, or titles, to a fully integrated person, grounded in purpose.
I discovered others, like me, who identify as Contemplative Christians and practice centering prayer, or meditation as a regular part of their life.
I do yoga. And like some of it.
My body muscles and aches, inflammation, decreased.”

3. What exactly did you like most about his coaching?
“His open-mindedness, willingness to consider and be curious without judgment. Also, he is extremely knowledgeable and great at integrating science with spirit. His curriculum is incredible and needs to be shared on a much broader scale.”

4. Why would you recommend this to someone who might be on the fence?
“It’s not just about what to eat. It’s about re-alchemizing the whole body and adjusting the nervous system. Fascinating and highly effective.”

5. What was your main concern that would have prevented you from doing this coaching, and what put your fears to rest?
“Probably the financial commitment. Also, the idea that we would be re-wiring my brain. That’s a little intimidating. I think what put my fears to rest is that he allowed me to take my time and integrate the changes at my own pace. “

6. If you were to recommend Dr. Miloy’s coaching to your best friend, what would you say?
“His program is amazing and life-changing. But I don’t really need to say anything. My friends are saying, “You look amazing! What are you doing?” My new look and light are a billboard and my recommendation.”

7. What is life like now that you’ve experienced Dr. Miloy’s coaching?
“Puppies and roses! lol. JK. Life still has plenty of challenges, but my Capacity for handling has exponentially grown and I’ve found new social circles to continue to support my spiritual growth and journey. I have a Deep Knowing and calmness that pervades most of what I do.”

8. What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about working with Dr. Miloy?
“I just loved our zoom call coaching sessions. Great teaching. Great conversations. I love expanding my consciousness, and Dr. Miloy always had plenty to share with me in that regard. That is rare. Not many people can keep up with me, intellectually, spiritually, let alone consistently bring more ideas to challenge my consciousness. To find someone who I could look up to and learn from and trust in a weight loss program….well…very surprising. Dr. Miloy is a genuine jewel. I am so grateful to him for his patience and steady guidance in helping me heal.”

Dr. Susan Crockett MD



Personal financial cost of obesity:

Based on 2017 data from the Milken Institute.


How does it work?

You’ve been down this road before.  You’ve lost weight but gained it back and then some.  Your confidence and motivation have taken a hit with each relapse.  So what makes this different? It begins by producing results and confidence quickly up front. Early success will produce two key neurotransmitters in your brain. The first is dopamine- the “feel good” molecule. The second is serotonin – the “mood elevator” molecule. These two will create a powerful positive feedback loop and propel you forward. As you master how to eat healthy foods that are enjoyable, you will easily lose weight without feeling deprived. Once you’ve mastered the nutrition piece of the puzzle, we will partner together on the psychological aspect of your eating. You will learn how to master your emotions to conquer stress and comforting eating as well as other types of unhealthy eating habits. As you change so does your brain. I will show you how to develop these new pathways and how to nurture them so they become your automatic default way of living. When you know you can succeed and make your new changes an “old” habit, you cannot fail. You will be a better person. You will master yourself.

Balanced MD Consist of three phases over six months with 12 sessions:

  1. Personal Momentum & Discovery Phase: Five weekly sessions lasting one hour each.
  2. Mastery Phase & Personal Growth Phase: Four every other week sessions lasting one hour each.
  3. Wellness Phase: Three monthly sessions lasting one hour each.
  4. Maintenance Phase: optional – monthly ongoing support if desired.

I partner with you to support and guide you through the entire experience. You will enjoy healthy food and not feel deprived. This is the easy part. However, it does not matter how well you eat, how much you exercise or even how much weight you lose; you simply cannot keep weight off until you learn how to BE in a different way.  This means learning how to change the operating system of your mind.  This is the fun part!

After 80,000 patient encounters, I have observed that most people’s thought forms are repetitive and negative. This peaked my curiosity and led to the development of a powerful model based on the wisdom of the ages and modern neuroscience. “The Cycle of Self Destruction or Freedom” is the magic of the Balance MD program. It will show you how your mind works to sabotage you. You will use this model to become aware of unconscious thought patterns and stop them.

This model can also positively change every aspect of your life- it’s up to you. I realize that sounds like an over-the-top statement, but over the years I have coached numerous patients with it and have witnessed their personal transformations.  The best way to describe people’s experience is hyper-accelerated enlightenment.  You learn how to interpret the present moment more correctly. It will also raise your “Wisdom Quotient.” When you screw up, you will extract much more from it and faster because you will understand why it happened. The model will also show you a deeper purpose to life and how not to be stressed. I tell every client, “You must have your own experience. Do not believe what I say. Prove it to yourself!”


What you can expect:

Personal Momentum & Discovery Phase

Weight loss of typically 10- 15 lbs in the first month.

  • You start by answering the following question, “What will ‘X pounds’ of weight loss give me?”
  • Learn quick and easy “Rules of the Road” to eating so you won’t feel deprived.
  • Apply technology to help support and track your progress.
  • Help you substitute healthy for unhealthy foods.
  • Build confidence quickly!
  • Experience increased energy, stamina and mental clarity.


Mastery & Personal Growth Phase

Weight loss of typically 15-20 lbs.

  • Introduce the Cycle of Self Destruction or Freedom
  • Understand the conditioning of your mind and how to change it by forming new neural pathways.
  • Learn how your mind sabotages you.
  • Understand your emotions as “Mini-Superpowers” and use them constructively.
  • Bring your mind and body into more harmony.
  • Understand how not to escape from stress with food
  • Identify “Conscious Values” and create Alignment of your thoughts & behavior with them.
    • You cannot succeed without alignment


Wellness Phase

Weight loss of typically 15-20 lbs

  • Relapse as your guru.
  • Fully align your physical, mental and spiritual selves.
  • Experience Freedom
    • From old thought & behavior patterns
  • Need Nothing and attract Everything
  • Explore Abundance
  • Create what you will
    • Experience Authentic Power
  • Buy new clothes!
  • Inspire and relate better to others by just Being you.


My weight loss/wellness coaching will:

  • Change your life and how you experience life.
  • Raise your self-esteem.
  • Help you live longer.
  • Remove limiting thoughts.
  • Not deprive you.
  • Help you lose weight naturally.
  • Help you use relapse to serve you.
  • Be supportive and fun!
  • Increase your vitality.
  • Improve your productivity.
  • Enhance your relationships.
  • Improve your leadership skills.
  • Save you lots of money and suffering.
  • Help you void the medical profession.


Before establishing a partnership with me, it’s important you are ready to begin for yourself.  The motivation must come from within and not be something you feel like you “should do” or do for someone else. There is one question I ask every weight loss candidate, “On a scale of 1-10 how motivated are you to lose weight?” If you are not an 8 or greater, then you are not ready. It’s okay for us to have a conversation and explore your obstacles but do understand I am selective with who I work with for three reasons:

     1. I do not want us to waste our time.

     2. I do not want you to waste your money.

     3. There is no shortage of candidates seeking to work with me and I want the best match for us both.

When you are ready, do know I will be there every step of the way to guide, support and celebrate with you as you achieve your transformation. To experience a free meet and greet contact me at and I’ll promptly respond.

Compassionate regards,


David Reed Miloy MD



International Coaching Federation – member
American Medical Association -member
Certified by American Board of Internal Medicine
Obesity Medicine Association – member
Texas Medical Association – member
Kerr/Bandera County Medical Society – former president/current member